Mobility Equipment

Independent movement from one place to another is often compromised with injury, illness or aging. Our goal is to assist you to find the correct device to maintain your balance and promote ease of movement around your own space.

We carry a selection of devices to facilitate independent movement; wheeled walkers, canes, crutches, walking sticks, swivel cushions, ice picks, bathtub transfer chairs, grab bars, raised toilet seats, knee walkers….

For those who require assistance while bathing or transferring; we have aids to help maintain independence and improve your safety in the home. All of our mobility and safety aides were selected by an Occupational Therapist.
Watch for the Alinker….coming soon!

walking sticks, urban poling
portable suitcase ramps, thresh-hold ramp, rental, 6ft, 4ft, 8ft, 10ft , wheelchair


Get In Touch

We welcome your inquiries about any of our Services and Professional qualifications. We operate by appointment, to ensure you receive a custom experience, however walk-ins are welcome.

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